Helpers over the years
In 1971 I started running an annual pottery summer school and continue to do so to the present day.
In 1972 a participant, seeing how much physical work was involved in running these workshops, offered to stay on and help out and I gratefully accepted. And so the tradition started of students volunteering to assist. Some did a week or two, some the whole summer and some several summers. Others came early to help set up and some stayed on after the workshops finished to help clean up, make pots and child mind, often for months.
I am now writing an account of running my courses over the four decades and wish to acknowledge the invaluable help all these assistants contributed to the success of my teaching adventure. Sadly I am a poor record keeper and am thus keen for those helpers or students over the years contact me so I can build up a full picture and name as many of these good souls who enriched the workshops and my life.
Do you know the names and dates?
I have kept in touch with a number of these individuals but have lost touch with others. Several I know are no longer with us and a number came from across the world. I therefore need past students, the helpers themselves and friends and family to help me in my quest for names and dates. If anyone has photos or stories of these good folk who contributed so much to the success of these pottery courses, in the various forms and places I ran them, I would be delighted to hear from you.
Douglas Phillips October 2019
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